Legal Theory

Legal Theory
Autoři:Petr Osina
Nakladatelství: Leges  
Formát: 145x205  
Vazba: brožovaná  
ISBN/ISSN: 978-80-7502-223-3  
EAN: 9788075022233
Vydáno: září 2017  
Rozsah: 128 stran
Dostupnost: poslední kusy  
Jazyk: angličtina  
Cena: 220 Kč
Obvyklá cena: 220 Kč
Více informací:

The aim of the textbook is to provide students with a guide to the basic theoretical questions of law. It is up to legal theory to reveal common principles and traditions beyond local particularisms. A bridge should be built between the study of positive law and the study of legal theory. Too often these fields are studied separately as if opposed to each other. But practice without theory is blind while theory without practice is useless.

The author has devoted separate chapters to the important topics – nature of law, major legal systems, sources of law, legal relations, legal liability, interpretation of law, law and morality, law and justice.

The textbook is intended primarily for foreign students which attend courses of legal theory at the law schools in the Czech Republic. It can be also useful for Czech students which would like to extend their knowledge of English legal terminology.

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Mohlo by vás zajímat:
Dějiny angloamerického práva
English for Administrative Law
English for Specific Purposes
Legal English 3rd revised edition
Nová teorie přirozeného práva
Právna filozofia dvadsiateho storočia
Soudcokraté, zachránci a byrokrati
Teorie práva - 2. vydání
Ústavní právo a státověda II. díl – 3. vydání
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