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Kateřina Frumarová, Petra Melotíková (eds.)
Jiří Srstka a kolektiv: Jan Barták, Tomáš Dobřichovský, Pavel Koukal, Rudolf Leška, Pavel Mates, Petr Prchal, František Púry, Petra Skřejpková, Vladimír Smejkal, Ivo Telec, František Vyskočil, Petra Žikovská
Kristýna Machyánová

Rule of Law and Mechanisms of its Protection

mimo řady

Rule of Law and Mechanisms of its Protection
Autoři:Pítrová Lenka
Nakladatelství: Právnická fakulta UK  
Formát: 160x230  
Vazba: brožovaná  
ISBN/ISSN: 978-3-9816855-4-1  
EAN: 9783981685541
Vydáno: 2015  
Rozsah: 290 stran
Dostupnost: Není skladem  
Jazyk: angličtina  
Cena: 483 Kč
Obvyklá cena: 483 Kč
Více informací:

This book summarizes the findings and debates of a conference ""Rule of Law and Mechanisms of its Protection - Czech Perspective"" held at the Faculty of Law - Charles University in Prague in November 2014, organised in cooperation with the Office of the Prime Minister. In choosing as our subject the rule of law as a concept our primary objective was to respond to the significant concern that recent events in number of Member States have provoked among political leaders and scholars, to challenge a Czech view of this principle and to hold a straightforward discussion on the eventual reinforcement of the rule of law oversight in the European Union.

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